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Dangdut is a genre of Indonesian popular music that is partly derived from Arabic, Indian, and Malay folk music. It developed beginning in the 1970s among working class Muslim youth, but especially since the late 1990s has reached a broader following in Indonesia.

A dangdut band usually consists of a lead singer backed by a band of four to eight musicians. The term has been expanded from the desert-like-style music, to now broadened to embrace other musical styles. Modern dangdut incorporates influences from Latin, house music, hip-hop, R&B, reggae, and even Western classical music.

Most major cities, especially on Java, have one or more venues that have a dangdut show several times a week. The concerts of major dangdut stars are also broadcast on television. In 2003 singer Inul Daratista became the subject of much controversy and criticism from conservatives over her suggestive, erotic style of dancing during televised shows. reported in 2003 that Project Pop, an Indonesian Nu metal band released a humorous tribute to dangdut titled Dangdut Is The Music Of My Country.

Some of dangdut dangdut artist include:

* Rhoma Irama (King of Dangdut / Most popular singer since 1970s)
* Elvy Sukaesih (Queen of Dangdut / Most popular singer since 1970s)
* Inul Daratista (Creator of Goyang Inul which sparked the anti-pornography controversy)
* Evie Tamala
* Mansyur S.
* A. Rafiq
* Dewi Yull
* Fahmy Shahab
* Meggy Z.
* Camelia Malik
* Dewi Persik
* Trio Macan

Because the popularity of the genre, some movies and TV show are made about Dangdut themes such as Rhoma Irama's movies and the recent one is Rudy Soedjarwo's Mendadak Dangdut

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  1. Thank's dAh b'KunJuNg.....

    hALmN nI LucU.....

    cOnTeNtNyA dAngDuT dArI IndOnEsIa.....

    nAmAnYa dAngDuT IndOneSiA.....

    tPi pAkE bHs IngGrIs.....


  2. tks sdh mampir...ngomong2 ga ada buku tamu ya???
